23 February 2007


Don't call it a comeback, but I'm making a bit of a comeback. A laziness-inspired hiatus has been kicked into touch by a friend who my ego says got bored of waiting for me to write something and went hunting filth himself. Well he succeeded and I'm going to use the first band he mentioned as today's subject. If getting me to write again required a bit of effort that's nothing compared with having to crush the head of a foetus in order to effect delivery. Nice name, Cephalotripsy!

Oh, the vocals are fucking dirty. There's a tiny bit in "Sanguinary Misogynistic Execration" where the pitch heightens and you might even be able to make out a word or two, but mostly the three songs on their myspace profile are just full of proper low-frequency guttural porkage.

As the name and one song title mentioned so far should give away, they're in yer Carcass / Autopsy mode. There's a song called "Aesthetic Upholstery of Molested Dead Flesh" mentioned in some spiel they've written, and I'm slightly disappointed that my first interpretation of those words -- that there's a band called Molested Dead Flesh and one of them calls themselves "Aesthetic Upholstery" -- is untrue. Not to worry though.

Oh christ. I just had a look at their record label's myspace page too, and spotted a band named Leukorrhea. Do I want to know? I think I do. [type type click click] OK, I just looked it up -- turns out I didn't want to know after all. Who'd have thought?

1 comment:

Clare Griffiths said...

when are you going to write something on your other blog? you are becoming worse than mike!!