25 January 2007

Oinking and squealing

There seems to be a death metal and grindcore renaissance going on these days and I love it. So, until such times as I inevitably just can't be arsed keeping this going any more, here's my attempt at briefly reviewing and publicising (hah!) the bands I come across. It's less than a month old but 2007 looks like being, as Annihilator claim, "The Year That Metal Returned In Full Force, With A Vengeance!!!", and that's a bandwagon I'm happy to jump on.

Mind you, as large as Annihilator are -- that fucking appalling third album notwithstanding (ignore the reviews on Amazon, those people are wrong) -- they mean metal in general. And while they may be right (I'm looking forward to seeing the Love/Hate reunion more than most people I know) I'm being a little more specific here. This blog is about bands with vocalists that sound like stuck pigs. Bands with unreadable logos and incomprehensible lyrics. Bands obsessed with gore or violence or misanthropy or chauvinism or just plain offensiveness for the sake of it. But mainly the logos and the sounding like pigs.

It's about Fleshrot and Crepitation. It's about Blasphtized, Beef Conspiracy and Lividity. It's about Cock and Ball Torture and Despondency. It's about Anoxia and Annotations Of An Autopsy. It's about oinkers and fucking squealers. Bring forth metal!

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